Donation yoga classes

These yoga classes are fundraising classes for The Practice Coalition. Your donations help fund getting communities and organizations set up to have yoga classes and compensate our teachers for their labor.


Nov 28, 6:30pm - 8:30pm (Tuesday)
House of Flow 
147 Prince St #208, Brooklyn

Ahimsa before Satya, a step towards healing

Ahimsa is the first yama, and it translates as non-harming or disrupting harm. As we work to heal from trauma, this is important if we are keeping ourselves on a loop of the trauma story in our own heads and if we keep referring to this as the truth. 

Come learn how ahimsa can disrupt this cycle and help someone move toward healing. The physical practice will be a vinyasa practice with a deep rest.

Practice will be one hour, followed by a wine and cheese reception.

Support survivors of domestic & sexual violence.
We are using the practices of yoga to uplift these communities.

Click here for more info and to sign up.